Planning your big Easter community event can be challenging without a handy guide to help you through the process. There are some essentials you’ll need to have on hand to make your event the success you know it can be. With proper preparation, you will ensure that no one gets left out of the fun and festivities. These are some of the essentials you will need to get through the Easter event planning process and to keep things ship shape on the big day.

Plastic Eggs
LOTS of plastic eggs. Many times you’ll have no idea of how many people will attend until the day of the event. Plan for audiences of all sizes and prize winners of all ages. If you want to be fair, consider offering age-appropriate events, crafts, hunts, and snacks so that everyone gets something positive from the experience.
Trinkets, Toys, Tokens, and Treats
You’re going to need plenty of items to fill those plastic eggs with as well. Seek donations from businesses in the community. You’ll be surprised by how many are willing to be part of community events like this and willing to donate items, if possible, or money, to the cause.
Seasonal Decorations
You’ll need more than a nice tent, tables, and chairs to set the mood for your Easter festivities. You’ll also need brightly colored spring time decorations. From colorfully painted fake eggs to party streamers and more you’ll want to make sure you have plenty of Easter themed decorations on hand to keep all comers happy.
An Easter Bunny
What’s an Easter event without an Easter Bunny? Make sure you have a nice area where parents can snap photos of their little ones with the bunny for posterity too. Fortunately, with nearly everyone carrying cameras on their phones, it is no longer necessary to have a camera set up and snap photos for parents to take home. Now they snap their own and share them at will.
Not only will you need a group of people to help you fill all those eggs, but you’re going to need volunteers to help you seek out the items to fill them with. This means you’re going to need people manning phones, typing emails, sending text messages, and more to local businesses that may be interesting in supporting the fun Easter event.
For some, Easter is that first taste of spring and a fun family-friendly event they can share with all their children. Making it a great event for all involved takes a little bit of careful planning, a fair amount of hard work, and an attitude as bright and shining as the holiday the event represents.
Call Terry TODAY to rent your backyard party tent, tables for the snacks, and chairs for your guests.
(914) 490-5394
(914) 490-5394